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I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library      - Jorge Luis Borges

Ark is an experimental live literature project to create immersive short story performances in library spaces.


Ark shows explore new and creative ways to tell and experience short stories, to connect with new audiences, to reanimate libraries as dynamic performance spaces and to push the boundaries between live literature, theatre and live art. They are themed, site responsive, and feature creative cross-arts collaborations between short stories and other forms, including film, illustration, shadow puppetry, audio, music and dance, as well as audience interactions and interventions. They include new story commissions performed by writers, classic stories performed by actors and audio stories. 


A short essay on Ark has been published by the Library As Incubator Project and an article about it has been published on the International Literature Showcase site.


Ark was founded by the writer Ellen Wiles, author of books including Live Literature: The experience and cultural value of literary performance events from salons to festivals (Palgrave, 2021).


To hear news about Ark and Ellen's other literary projects, please sign up to Ark's mailing list below.



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